Bradford Camera Club incorporating Bradford Photographic Society
1. COLLINSON TROPHY | Digital | Open, for members who have never won a trophy (either BCC or BPS) |
2. RAISTRICK TROPHY | Digital | Portrait and people |
3. FISHER TROPHY | Digital | Scapes |
4. BROWN TROPHY | Digital | Record |
5. ’14’ TROPHY | Digital | Nature |
6. TELEGRAPH & ARGUS TROPHY | Digital | Sport & Photojournalism |
7. MRS BRUCE TROPHY | Digital | Open |
You may enter up to 3 prints or digital images for each trophy. The same image or similar must not be entered as both a print and digital image.
Digital image size is 1600 x 1200 pixels in JPEG format.
Prints: maximum size up to 500mm x 400xx to be mounted on mount board, maximum 500mm x 400xx and no more than 4mm thick. (Using this size avoids having to remount later if entering other competitions, e.g. YPU)
Notes about categories
Categories are as specified by the YPU. Take note of the following.
Record: Any building or part thereof, ancient or modern, and/or allied objects or furnishings belonging to or associated with the subject. This class also includes archaeological or other inanimate objects, e.g. transport vehicles, ceramics and statues. As much detail as to title, maker and situation should be provided.
Nature: Untamed animals and uncultivatedplants in a natural habitat and all natural phenomena. Evidence of man, his manipulation of his environment in any part of the picture is undesirable and should be avoided, except where those human elements are integral parts of the nature story. Accurate titling with Latin name is desirable.
The Lottey competition is for digital images taken on Club outings in the previous summer. Any member wishing to enter must submit 5 images, no more than 3 from any one outing.
Each image will be scored out of 20 marks by Club members. The aggregate of the average marks awarded for the 5 images will be used to identify the winner.
The Metcalfe competition is held over 4 rounds in the Spring and is for recently taken digital imges. Images must have been taken in the 12 months leading up to the round. Each member entering the competition must enter 3 digital images in each round.
Images are judged out of 20 marks and the winner of the round is the photographer who gets the highest aggregate score for the 3 images submitted in that round. The overall winner of the competition is the author who gets the highest aggregate score for the 12 images from the 4 round.
The Muller competition is for a set of 5 related digital images. Members may submit no more than 2 sets of 5 images.
For each set:
The title should be for the set as a whole, images should not have individual titles.
The image file names should start with a number 1 to 5, to indicate the order in which they should be displayed.
The competition will be judged by the Club, with each member indicating their 1st, 2nd and 3rd place sets. Based on this, points will be awarded (3 points for a 1st, 2 points for a 2nd and 1 point for a 3rd) and the set that gets the highest aggregate score will be the winner.
No image that has already won a competition of the Bradford Camera Club or Bradford Photographic Society may be entered in any subsequent Club competition.